& Youth Services
Bryan’s Neighborhood & Youth Services Department helps improve the quality of life in the community by promoting and facilitating resident communication, participation and involvement in local government. In FY2021, the department
- With grant money from Texas A&M University, a technical writer was hired to assist with developing a guide for children aging out of the foster care system in the Brazos Valley area. Several local organizations had indicated a need for such a resource for these individuals. The publication was completed and shared with local organizations serving foster children, and resides on the City’s website as Foster Children: Getting a Great Start: Online Resource to Life, Work and Money.
- Prepared and distributed an electronic newsletter for neighborhood associations.
- Provided neighborhood associations with COVID-19 safety information.
- Assisted Community Development with infill redevelopment projects.
- Provided financial support to organizations that serve at-risk populations, such as youth at risk, seniors, disabled, etc.
- Served on the literacy council advisory group.