Municipal Court
Bryan’s Municipal Court serves the public in a fair, efficient and accountable manner while processing citations, writs and warrants to impartially administer justice for the city. In FY2021:
Staff Accomplishments
- The Municipal Court Judges heard cases pertaining to the Penal Code, Traffic Code, and Health and Safety Code, just to name a few. In addition, the Judges magistrated individuals who were arrested on Class C misdemeanors filed with the Municipal Court.
- The Court Administrator maintained certification as a Certified Court Manager from the National Center for State Courts Institute of Court Management. In addition, he met training requirements to maintain Level I and Level II certification through the Texas Court Clerks Association (TCCA), as well as maintaining a Master Peace Officer license through TCOLE.
- The Deputy Court Clerk Supervisor and three Deputy Court Clerks maintained their Level I and Level II certifications through TCCA this past year. The Warrant Technician and Juvenile Case Manager also hold TCCA clerk certifications. All clerks attended training to further their professional development and to maintain clerk certification.
- The City Marshals office had two Marshals certified as Court Security Specialists. One security incident was reported to the Office of Court Administration.
- As with the clerks of the court, the City Marshals and Judges attended all the necessary trainings to maintain their respective licenses and certifications.
Court Accomplishments
- Implemented Legislative changes as a result of the 87th Legislative Session.
- Processed more than 8,400 new cases and closed more than 7,300 cases.
- Issued approximately 1,400 warrants due to lack of compliance.
- Recalled/served more than 3,100 warrants in an attempt to gain compliance.
- Collected more than $1,1 million in fines and fees, of which more than $1.1 million was retained by the city.
- Granted community service as an alternate method of satisfying fines and fees in 181 cases (equivalent to more than 4,400 hours).
- Participated in the OmniBase program to aide in increasing compliance.
- Scanned more than 57,000 documents into Laserfiche for records retention.