The Engineering Department manages many of the large-scale projects that affect residents, businesses and visitors in Bryan. In FY2021, this included:
- Reviewing more than 200 projects submitted through the site development review process for the second year in a row. More than $18 million dollars of public infrastructure was installed by developers in 2020, and 2021 is on pace to add an additional $10 million. Inspectors provided inspections on more than 30 development projects under construction at the same time for the last two years.
- Executed the annual process for the City’s comprehensive five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Managed more than 30 CIP projects for second straight year and provided inspections over 10 CIP projects under construction at any one time. Capital Improvement Program include:
- Camelot Park bridge and trail – complete.
- Earl Rudder shared-use path – TXDOT Grant – complete.
- 17th Street culvert – complete.
- Cherry Creek drainage – complete.
- Waco Street extension – complete.
- Woodville Road – substantially complete.
- Bryan Midtown Park Phase 1d – sign and landscape of road – complete.
- Bryan Midtown Park Phase 3c – lake grading – substantially complete.
- Bryan Midtown Park Phase 1c – Travis Field – under construction, and scheduled to be complete in late 2021.
- Bryan Midtown Park Phase 2 – Big Shots entrance – design complete.
- Bryan Midtown Park Phase 3d – outer loop trails – Phase 1 is under construction, and Phase 2 is in design.
- Bryan Midtown Park Phase 5a – Midtown Boulevard extension to Williamson Drive – under construction.
- Bryan Midtown Park Phase 3c – Dam rehab and new overflow spillway – design underway.
- Still Creek culverts – under construction.
- Coulter Drive – under construction.
- Coulter bike lanes and sidewalks – $2 million – TXDOT Grant – construction is about half complete.
- South College Avenue (Villa Maria to Carson) – schematic design is complete, final design is underway.
- Palasota St Phase 1 – under construction and approximately half complete.
- Palasota St Phase 2 – design is complete, and construction starts in late 2021.
- Downtown Quiet Zone – Received Federal Railroad Administration approval. Phase 1 is under construction. Phase 2 construction is scheduled to start in late 2021. Groesbeck crossing plans are complete and awaiting Union-Pacific RailRoad trackside improvements.
- William Joel Bryan Parkway – Final design – TXDOT construction will start in 2022.
- Texas Avenue – design is underway. Phase 1 (Old Hearne Road to 15th Street) construction is scheduled to begin in early 2022.
- Bristol Esther drainage – Design is underway, and construction begins in early 2022.
- Old Hearne Road Phas 1 – Design is complete, pending final easement acquisition.
- Hillside storm sewer – Design is underway, and construction should begin in early 2022.
- Wayside and Carter Creek storm sewer – Design is underway.
- Commerce Street reconstruction – Design is underway.
- Maintained Community Rating System status and recertification. Engaged public in outreach efforts at First Friday in July 2021 to increase flood awareness by showing how detention ponds help with stormwater mitigation.
- Submitted a study of Briar Creek from William Joel Bryan Parkway to Carter’s Creek to FEMA, which updates the flood hazard information along that reach. The study is in review.
- Completed the third year of the Contractor Registration Program for contractors building public infrastructure or working in public rights of ways to be registered with city to ensure the quality of contractors, including their continuing education efforts.
- Continued the consultant selection process for capital projects – more than 40 firms submitted statements of qualifications to be reviewed.