City Secretary’s Office
Bryan’s City Secretary’s Office assists the City Council in fulfilling its duties, improves access to public records, manages the election and records management processes and serves as the local registrar of birth and death records. In FY2021, the department:
- Provided staff support to the Charter Review Advisory Committee. Prepared all legal documents and notices required for the Charter amendment election. Oversaw the implementation of adopted Charter amendments.
- Successfully conducted a special Charter amendment election and the city’s general election.
- Tracked city-related legislation filed in the 2021 Session of the Texas Legislature, communicated with city departments accordingly, facilitated communications with state elected officials, assisted with implementation of new laws and served on TML’s Legislative Advisory Committee.
- Began the redistricting process following the 2020 census.
- Planned the city’s 150th anniversary celebration to be held in November 2021.
- Provided timely and efficient responses to approximately 1,200 open records requests filed with the city this fiscal year.
- Successfully implemented DocuSign, an electronic document signing solution, in response to COVID-19 concerns.
- Prepared legal posting and publication language for Council meetings conducted via various methodologies due to COVID-19.
- Prepared the Mayor’s Disaster Declarations relative to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Conducted a Council candidate briefing via Zoom.
- Conducted candidate orientation for Council candidates.
- Oversaw the recruitment/appointment process for boards, committees and commissions.
- Conducted Texas Open Meetings Act training and tracked ethics training for new board/committee/commission members.
- Received the Exemplary Five Star Award from the Texas State Department of Health Services for excellence in vital statistics reporting, filing, security and customer service.
- Implemented new software to allow the online purchase of birth and death certificates in order to minimize foot traffic in Vital Statistics Office during the pandemic.
- Successfully passed PCI compliance audits.
- Conducted quarterly reviews of DMO marketing plans.
- Conducted records audits in various city departments.
- Conducted internal training relative to the Texas Public Information Act and the city’s Records Management Plan.
- Promoted and implemented records management techniques city-wide during Records Management Month, including staff training sessions, an email deletion contest, and a large records destruction campaign for records past retention or superfluous copies.
- Continued preservation of the city’s oldest historical records.
- Continued to increase access to information and records via the city’s website (transparency).
- Continued the Youth Advisory Commission and Teen Court in the Schools programs.
- Conducted a training session for local hospitals, funeral homes and justices of the peace regarding appropriate procedures for filing birth and death certificates with the City Secretary’s office (local registrar).
- All staff recertified in paternity training by the Attorney General’s Office.
- Continued the implementation of streamlined and automated business processes utilizing Laserfiche workflow and forms components.