View the growth and evolution of Bryan and Brazos County through historic cartography. Be sure to check back often, as we’ll be periodically adding new maps to the archive. Unless otherwise noted, all maps are courtesy of the Carnegie History Center or the City of Bryan.
Brazos County Maps
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City of Bryan Maps
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1880: Freedman Town map. Known also as Hall’s Addition (or Hall’s Division in some maps), Freedman Town was one of the earliest communities of African Americans in Brazos County after the Civil War. First land sales of lots date to 1867. It was located in blocks 7 and 8 of the “Bryan’s First Addition” area, bordering the northeastern border of the original City of Bryan townsite.
Other Informative Maps
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Map courtesy of Fisk University, John Hope and Aurelia E. Franklin Library, Special Collections, Julius Rosenwald Fund Archives
1932: The Julius Rosenwald Fund Schoolhouse Construction Map. This map shows the number and density of 5,357 rural schoolhouses for African Americans that had been constructed by the Julius Rosenwald Fund as of July 1, 1932. About 13 of these these schoolhouses were constructed in Brazos County and the greater Brazos Valley region. Wayne Sadberry, curator of the Brazos Valley African American Museum, has a special connection to these schools. His father, Oliver Wayne Sadberry Sr., taught in one of these local Rosenwald schools.