City Manager’s Office
The City Manager’s Office provides support to the City Council and provides direction to staff based upon City Council’s policy. In FY2021, the department:
COVID-19 Response and Reopening
- Provided funding and assisted with operations for COVID-19 vaccinations at the Brazos Center Vaccination Hub.
- Continued to coordinate calls with the Brazos County Emergency Operations Center, the Texas Division of Emergency Management and the Texas Department of State Health Services regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Granted $1,181,228 to 12 nonprofit organizations and 114 small businesses through the Brazos Valley COVID-19 Community Relief Fund, in conjunction with United Way.
- Coordinated funding for Project GotEM through the Brazos Valley Food Bank, a pandemic-related home delivery food program for residents.
- Coordinated several community drive-through events to provide food to the community.
Midtown Park
- Broke ground and began construction on the Legends Event Center.
- Broke ground and began on BigShots Golf Aggieland.
- Executed multiple contracts for the Travis Bryan Midtown Park Project construction, including:
- The contract for gateway entrance signage and landscape (Marek Brothers).
- The contract for the build of the first part of a walking trail (Palasota).
- The contract for a road extension to Midtown Park Boulevard (Larry Young Paving).
- Executed a Facility Management Agreement for the Legends Event Center (SFM).
- Executed a Facility Management Agreement for Travis Park (RCI).
Managed Winter Storm Uri
- Maintained levels of service for all functional areas during unprecedented winter storm event.
- Provided guidance and assistance in communication to residents, the City Council, employees and businesses.
- Executed a contract for renovation design (SZH Architecture) to repair and renovate the Phillips Event Center after it suffered major damage to the event center and golf course.
- Participated with Rebuilding Together BCS.
- Coordinated multi-department involvement in the Bryan HOME Foundation program and incentives.
Economic Development
- Continued ongoing coordination with the Texas A&M University System for the RELLIS Data Center.
- Provided annual update at BCS Chamber Economic Outlook Conference.
- Continued coordination with Lero & Associates regarding high-density redevelopment. opportunities along South College Avenue, North of Northgate.
Public Safety
- Hired new Fire Chief Richard Giusti.
- Approved the purchase of a new fire engine.
- Awarded a grant from the State Flood Infrastructure Fund to install flood early warning systems in locations throughout the community.
- Approved an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Bryan, the City of College Station and Brazos County for the U.S. Department of Justice’s 2021 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program, providing technology enhancements and equipment purchases for law enforcement.
- Approved grant requests for the Downtown Improvement Program.
- Executed construction contract for the Downtown Railroad Quiet Zone (Brazos Paving).
- Provided Downtown walking tours for groups, including realtors, TAMU students and others.
- Coordinated Gameday shuttles from Downtown to TAMU football games for the 2021 season
- Continued partnership with Blue Duck for electric scooters in Downtown Bryan, including:
- Extended the license agreement with Blue Duck.
- Monitored compliance and maintained communication with Blue Duck representatives.
- Continued public communication on safety protocols.
Bryan ISD (BISD)
- Served on the BISD Superintendent’s Advisory Committee.
- Served on the BISD Bond Steering Committee.
- Attended monthly meetings between the City of Bryan and BISD.
- Served as an advisor to the Education Foundation Board.
Destination Bryan (DB)
- Set up a new 501(c)(6) non-profit organization known as Destination Bryan, establishing Bryan’s own Destination Marketing Organization.
- Hired John Friebele as the first Executive Director for DB. Friebele received the 2021 Texas Travel Alliance 4 Under 40 Award, recognizing him as a rising professional in the Texas travel industry.
- Served as a liaison to the DB Board, attending bi-weekly meetings.
- Approved the first annual funding agreement with DB.
- Executed the lease for DB to use office space in the Queen Theater.
- Worked in coordination with DB board members and staff to expand event services and marketing reach.
Queen and Palace Theaters
- Received conveyance of the Queen Theater from the Downtown Bryan Association.
- Took over maintenance and operations of the Queen Theatre and explored options to fully utilize the space.
- Worked with the Queen’s Film Society to begin holding film screenings after the COVID-19 shutdown.
- Negotiated and finalized a six-year management agreement with the Schulman Family (EPMC) to serve as an operator for the Palace and Queen Theaters.
- Continued coordination with EPMC for enhancements to both theaters, including replacing seating, adding premium food and beverage services and improving technology to accommodate first-run movies and events of all kinds, for an anticipated reopening in fall 2021.
Audit Committee
- Engaged with Baker Tilly, an internal auditing firm, and coordinated Audit Committee meetings and documents.
- Created and passed an Internal Audit Charter.
- Received an “Unmodified Opinion,” the highest rating, on the audited financial statement.
- Revised the bylaws of the Audit Committee to better reflect the Code of Ordinances.
Grandview Cemetery
- Coordinated initial clean-up and improvement of Grandview Cemetery.
- Continued to work with the Grandview Association to assume responsibility of cemetery.
- Investigated issues shared by City Council members and kept City Council informed of those concerns.
- Addressed resident-submitted issues or concerns requiring city services.
- Reviewed personnel and damage claims appeals and rendered decisions.
- Continued communication with I-14 Gulf Coast Strategic Highway Coalition.
- Approved the Atmos Gas franchise agreement.
- Negotiated the Atmos Rate Review Mechanism.
- Executed a memorandum of understanding to bring 100% fiberoptic internet services to the City of Bryan (MetroNet).
- Presented to numerous organization and events, including Bush School faculty and students, various Chamber of Commerce events and Leadership Brazos Local Government Day.
- Prepared for and monitored peaceful protests of various types/causes.
- Continued multiple partnerships for Bryan Animal Services, including TAMU, Blinn College and Aggieland Humane Society.
- Participated in meetings and events with TAMUS Chancellor’s Office.
- Reviewed Capital Improvement Plans.
- Implemented plans for strategic initiatives, as outlined in the strategic plan.
- Served in leadership positions in the following organizations:
- City Manager was reappointed to the Texas Municipal Power Agency Board of Directors.
- Deputy City Manager (DCM) serves as the City of Bryan representative to the Blinn-Brazos County Advisory Board.
- DCM serves as City of Bryan liaison to Brazos Valley Hospitality Association.
- DCM serves as Texas City Management Region 7 Vice President.
- DCM serves on Texas City Management Board and Executive Committee.
- DCM serves on Texas Municipal League Board.
- Attended the following board/committee meetings: Bryan Business Council, Bryan Commerce and Development, Bryan Planning and Zoning Commission, Coulter Field Advisory Board, TIRZ Boards, Animal Center Advisory Committee, Intergovernmental Committee, Chamber of Commerce, Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, Brazos County Health District Board, Bryan-Brazos County Economic Development Foundation, Community Development Advisory Committee, BTU Board, Texas Public Power Association Board, Brazos Valley Economic Development Corporation, Downtown Bryan Association, Salvation Army Board, Blinn College-Brazos County Advisory Board, Building and Standards Commission, Texas City Management Association, Texas Municipal League, Destination Bryan Board, Civil Services Commission, Leadership Brazos Alumni Association, Junior Leadership Brazos, Library Board, Parks Board, Chancellor’s Century Council and COVID-19-related community leadership discussions.