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Mr. Bill Watkins shares his story about the invention of Red Rover, the mobile news van

Mr. Bill Watkins: Red Rover, we covered everything. I mean, my thought is the way the competition was in the market, that there's two things you could build an audience and get respect for. One is editorials and the other one is news. And so we put Red Rover on the street and we would... see there's a little antenna, we call that a Marti. And we could broadcast live back to the station news stories. And when we had all kinds of police scatterers and everything, and every time there was a little accident or something, we would be there and broadcast it on the spot, so everybody knew. And the way we would do it, we was ready to go on the air with the news and announcer and say, "All right, now then we are going to such and such and Red Rover, come over."